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Utku Umur Acikalin
Email: acikalin@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: AI4Science
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Simon Alford
Email: alford@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 344 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Theory induction, program synthesis, abstraction and reasoning in AI
Adnan Armouti
Location: Bloomberg
Research Focus: Computational Imaging, Computer Vision, Systems
Research Areas: Vision
Marianne Arriola
Email: marriola@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg
Research Focus: Geometric deep learning, machine learning for biomedicine
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Sidhika Balachandar
Email: sidhikab@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Rohan Banerjee
Email: rbb242@cornell.edu
Location: 349 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
Julian Bellavita
Email: jbellavita@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Areas: Scientific Computing
Katharine Blumer
Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing
Samuel Breckenridge
Email: sjbreck@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Security and Privacy
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Fanjun Bu
Email: fb266@cornell.edu
Location: Tata 341
Research Focus: Human-Robot interaction
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Benjamin Chan
Email: byc@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Focus: Cryptography and Distributed Algorithms
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Yen-Yu Chang
Email: yenyuchang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Graphics, Machine Learning, Vision
Shubham Chaudhary
Email: shubham@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 301 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Operating Systems, Distributed Systems
Hanyu Chen
Email: hanyuc@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Graphics, Rendering, 3D Vision
Research Areas: Graphics
Hongzheng Chen
Email: hzchen@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 440 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Compiler Optimizations, heterogeneous computing systems
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Wenxin Chen
Email: wxchen@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Multimodal learning
Research Areas: Computational Biology
Erica Chiang
Email: ericachiang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Machine learning, algorithms, society
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Alaa Daffalla
Location: NYC
Oliver Daids
Location: 407 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Graphics, Programming Languages
Research Areas: Graphics, Programming Languages
Shachi Deshpande
Email: ssd86@cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Focus: Casual Machine Learning
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Arjun Devraj
Email: adevraj@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Privacy and security
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Evan Dong
Email: edong@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: AIgorithmic Fairness and Social Movements/Theories
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Yuanqi Du
Email: yuanqidu@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G32 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI for Science, Computational Sustainability
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Promise Ekpo
Email: poe6@cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Human-Robot interaction
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Robotics
Eric Enouen
Email: enouen@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Interpretability
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Nicolas Espinosa Dice
Email: nico@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Reinforcement Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Joshua Fan
Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Sustainability
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Ali Farahbakhsh
Email: Farahbakhsh@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
John Fikioris
Email: gfikioris@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 336 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Ge Gao
Email: ggao@cs.cornell.edu
Location: NYC
Research Focus: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
Yixuan Gao
Location: NYC
Nora Gera
Email: ngera@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: At the intersection of systems, security, and PL
Research Areas: Software Engineering
Viktor Giannakouris Salalidis
Location: 440-1 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Database Systems
Aaron Gokaslan
Location: 345 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Computer Vision / Graphics
Research Areas: Graphics
Albert Gong
Email: agong@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: ML algorithms
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Sophie Greenwood
Email: sjgreenwood@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Algorithms, AI, and Society
Karuna Grewal
Location: 301 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Programming Languages; Systems and Networking
Zeqi Gu
Location: G23/33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Vision, Graphics, Robotics
M. Omer Gul
Email: mog29@cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Areas: Natural Language Processing, Vision
Gemmechu Hassena
Email: gmh72@cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Computer Vision and Graphics
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Vision
Sam Havron
Email: havron@cs.cornell.edu
Location: NW2-3 Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Focus: Security & privacy for vulnerable populations
Research Areas: Human Interaction, Security
Chengyu Huang
Email: cyhuang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Natural Language Processing
Kuan Wei Huang
Email: kwhuang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Computer Vision/Graphics, Machine Learning
Research Areas: Vision
Yu-Ju Huang
Email: yh885@cornell.edu
Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Distributed system, operating system
Kei Imada
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Formal Verification of Distributed Systems
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Tharushi Jayasekara
Email: tharushi@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Areas: Software Engineering
Rishi Jha
Email: rjha@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Pengyue Jiang
Email: pengyuejiang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Areas: Software Engineering
Haian Jin
Email: haian@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: 3D Computer Vision and Graphics
Research Areas: Vision
Saehan Jo
Email: saehan@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Database Systems, Machine Learning for Systems
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems
Saravanan Kandasamy
Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Suraaj Kanniwadi Sureshkannan
Email: sk2727@cornell.edu
Location: 440 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Security, Systems and Networking
Chia-Hsiang Kao
Email: chkao@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Deep Learning Algorithm
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Bhaskar Kataria
Email: bhaskar7@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Wide Area Network and Resource Optimization
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Kimia Kazemian
Email: kk983@cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: AI, Machine Learning, Optimization
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Kushal Kedia
Email: kushal@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Human-Robot Interaction, Planning and Learning
Mahimna Kelkar
Email: mahimna@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Theoretical and Applied Cryptography, Security, Privacy
Research Areas: Security, Theory of Computing
Shreyas Kharbanda
Email: shreyas@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Resource Disaggregation
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Woojeong Kim
Location: G23/33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
Haruka Kiyohara
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Decision making, Reinforcement learning, Counterfactual evaluation
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Woojin Ko
Email: wk259@cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Areas: Graphics, Human Interaction, Vision
Celine Lee
Email: cl923@cornell.edu
Location: 325 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Natural Language Processing
Katherine Lee
Location: 325 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Diyang Li
Email: diyang01@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Provable Machine Learning, Large-scale Optimization
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Shamus Li
Email: shamus@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Computational Imaging
Research Areas: Vision
Wen-Ding Li
Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Yueying Li
Location: Gates 440
Research Focus: Systems and Machine Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Systems and Networking
Shouxu Lin
Email: shouxulin@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Jun You Liu
Email: jl3956@cornell.edu
Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: cryptography, cryptosecurity, cryptoeconomics
Xinrui Liu
Email: xinrui@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: human-computer interaction, computer graphics & vision, human-robot interaction
Research Areas: Human Interaction
Ziang Liu
Email: ziangliu@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: build robots that perceive, understand, reason, and interact in the physical world to better assist people with day-to-day tasks, leveraging inspiration from human cognition
Research Areas: Robotics
Linda Lu
Email: lindalu@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Theory of Machine Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Jacqueline Maasch
Location: NYC
Research Focus: Machine Learning, Computational Biology
Vaibhav Mehta
Email: vaibhavm@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Programming Languages/Formal Methods
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Dominik Meier
Location: Bloomberg
Research Focus: Sequential and personalized decision making
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Yimeng Min
Location: 344 Gates Hall
Mark Moeller
Email: moeller@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 430 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Verification in Networking
Research Areas: Programming Languages
Anshuman Mohan
Location: 349 Gates Hall
Armin Namavari
Email: armin@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Focus: Security and Applied Cryptography
Research Areas: Security
Kevin Negy
Email: kevinnegy@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Ernest Ng
Email: ernest@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Type systems, functional programming
Sloan Nietert
Email: nietert@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 336 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing
Rachit Nigam
Email: rnigam@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 407 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Programming Languages and Hardware Design
Research Areas: Programming Languages
Darian Nwankwo
Email: don4@cornell.edu
Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing
Princewill Okoroafor
Email: pco9@cornell.edu
Location: 324 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Theory, Algorithms, Machine Learning
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Chidozie Onyeze
Email: chidoonyeze@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Algorithmic Game Theory
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Miruna Oprescu
Location: NYC
Research Focus: Robust Decision Making, Causal Inference
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Shankar Padmanabhan
Location: Bloomberg
Research Focus: Natural Language Processing
Research Areas: Natural Language Processing
Marios Papachristou
Email: papachristoumarios@gmail.com
Location: 302 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Data Science, Network Science, Algorithms, Statistics
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing
Kenneth Peng
Email: klp98@cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Algorithms, machine learning, fairness
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Mahika Phutane
Email: mahika@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 301 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction
Wasu Piriyakulkij
Email: wp237@cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Brendan Rappazzo
Email: brendanhogan@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Richa Rastogi
Location: G23/33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning
Shreelekha Revankar
Email: revankar@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: visual discovery through the integration of diverse data sources
Research Areas: Vision
Noam Ringach
Email: nomir@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Theory of Computing
Goktug Saatcioglu
Email: gs724@cornell.edu
Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Programming Languages, Security, Systems and Networking
Yuta Saito
Email: ys552@cornell.edu
Location: 301 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Machine Learning
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Nitika Saran
Location: 440-1 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Distributed Systems
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Yair Schiff
Email: yairschiff@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Bloomberg Center (New York City)
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Aditya Senthilnathan
Email: aditya@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Saebyeol Shin
Email: saebyeol@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G33 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Michelle Shu
Atharv Sonwane
Email: ays57@cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Mariia Soroka
Email: mariiasoroka@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Rendering, Differentiable Rendering
Research Areas: Graphics
Jinyan Su
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: machine learning and natural language processing
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Jiatian Sun
Email: jiatians@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Graphics, Scientific Computing
Yihong Sun
Email: yihong@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Vision
Florian Suri-Payer
Email: fsp@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 440B Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Distributed Systems
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Networking
Hao Tang
Location: 344 Gates Hall
Research Focus: neuro-symbolic AI
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Khonzodakhon Umarova
Location: 323 Gates Hall
Katherine Van Koevering
Location: 305 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Networks, Ethics, Machine Learning, and Human Interaction
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction, Theory of Computing
Spencer Van Koevering
Email: vankoesd@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Programming languages and Theory
Research Areas: Theory of Computing
Abhishek Vijaya Kumar
Email: abhishek@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 301 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Midhul Vuppalapati
Email: midhul@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 440-2 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Andrew Wang
Location: G23/33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Machine Learning
Yifan Wang
Email: yw2399@cornell.edu
Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Networking
Zhanxin Wu
Email: zhanxinwu@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Robotics
Research Areas: Robotics
Himank Yadav
Email: yadav@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 350 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Machine Learning
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Ethan Yang
Email: ethanyang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Vision, Graphics, Computational Imaging
Yuting Yang
Location: 455 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Machine Learning Systems
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Elaine Yao
Email: elainey@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G33 Gates Hall
Research Focus: SE4AI, AI4SE
Research Areas: Software Engineering
Seung Won Yoo
Location: 302 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Ayaka Yorihiro
Email: ayaka@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 456 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Areas: Software Engineering
Yunchen Yu
Location: 345 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Sofian Zalouk
Email: szalouk@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G33 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Ruijie Zhang
Email: collinzhang@cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Distributed System, Applied Crypto
Research Areas: Systems and Networking
Tingwei Zhang
Email: tingwei @cs.cornell.edu
Location: Gates G23
Research Focus: Machine Learning Security
Research Areas: Security
Zhengxin Zhang
Email: zhengxin@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Areas: Natural Language Processing
Wenting Zhao
Email: wzhao@cs.cornell.edu
Location: 344 Gates Hall (Ithaca)
Research Focus: Computational Sustainability, Reasoning, Machine Learning
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence
Joyce Zhou
Email: jz549@cornell.edu
Location: 344 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Artifical Intelligence, Human Interaction
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction
Laura Zielinski
Email: lzielinski@cs.cornell.edu
Location: G23 Gates Hall
Research Focus: Formal verification
Research Areas: Theory of Computing