E-mail is the best way to communicate with the CS M.Eng Office and the program staff listed below.  All general questions about the CS MEng Program, on Cornell's main campus in Ithaca; including information about the program, program requirements, and general inquiries, please email: meng@cs.cornell.edu

The Computer Science Master of Engineering Program Office handles all aspects of the CS MEng Program and all inquiries regarding the program should be directed to this office. 

Please direct general inquiries about the CS M.Eng Program in Ithaca, NY to meng@cs.cornell.edu  

Questions about admissions and the application process should be sent to:

Director of CS M.Eng Program
Professor Haym Hirsh

352 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Telephone: 607-255-7017 
Meng Office Hours Wednesday 11:00-12:00pm
Gates Hall Room 352

Assistant Director of CS M.Eng Program
ReneĆ© Milligan 

520 Rhodes Hall 
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Telephone: 607-255-8720
In Person: Wednesday, Thursday
Remote: Monday, Tuesday, Friday

If you have any questions about the program requirements, rules and protocols, forms and processes, or academic advising. You should schedule a meeting with me. I am your go-to person for all things CS MEng.
Please contact ram25@cornell.edu to schedule a meeting

Admissions Associate of CS M.Eng Program
Erin Grainger 

520 Rhodes Hall 
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
In Person:  Monday, Tuesday
Remote: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

If you have questions about the application process or admission requirements not answered on our web pages, feel free to visit my office hours (see below).  You may also send an e-mail with your questions or send an e-mail to schedule an appointment to meng-admissions@cs.cornell.edu.

  • Mondays 9 am - 11 am - in Rhodes 520
  • Thursday 1pm - 3pm - via Zoom ( Meeting ID 991 6522 9054 Passcode 259171)

Student Services Assistant for CS Graduate Programs
Cameron Kull

525 Rhodes Hall 
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
In Person:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Remote: Friday

Former Associate Director of CS M.Eng Program Admissions
Stephanie A. Meik - Retired as of 5/30/24

Please contact meng@cs.cornell.edu for general questions or
meng-admissions@cs.cornell.edu for admissions-related questions.

Other Contact Information:
For information about the Cornell Tech (NYC) campus CS MEng Program, please visit their website for information and contact https://tech.cornell.edu/