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- Cornell University / Cornell Tech - High School Programming Workshop and Contest 2025
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- Cornell Junior Theorists' Workshop 2024
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- Field of Computer Science Ph.D. Student Handbook
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- The Outside Minor Requirement
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Information about CS Course Offerings and Enrollment
Course enrollment is done through Student Center.
To access Student Center: go to http://studentcenter.cornell.edu and log in using your net ID and PW. You can access Student Center through any networked computer with an appropriate web browser, at home, in the libraries, college registrar offices, community centers, and public computer labs.
- Two important online publications to consult when you are thinking about what courses to take.
- Courses of Study (the Cornell course catalog) listing all course descriptions
- Course & Time Roster listing what is being offered during the current semester
- University Registrar
- Course Enrollment is done electronically four times a year. Once at the start of each semester and once in the middle of each semester as pre-enrollment for the subsequent semester.
- ADD/DROP (at the start of each semester) when students can enroll in courses and drop courses they no longer want.
- Advisor approval is not required for adding courses unless your admission letter specifically states that advisor approval is necessary.
- Department approval is required.
- You should plan your courses carefully to create a well-balanced and manageable schedule that allows for graduating after two semesters.
- The ADD period lasts for approximately three weeks followed by an additional four weeks to DROP courses.
- Any changes to credit hours or grading options should be done prior to the end of the ADD period.
- Any late "adds" done after the ADD period ends, will require a petition signed by the CS M.Eng Advising office.
- After the DROP period ends students can petition to drop a course, however, they will be given a "W" on their transcripts marking the late withdrawal.
- The course enrollment petition is required for any changes made after the add period has ended. The form is available on the College of Engineering "forms" page
- Pre-Enrollment - About one-third through the fall and spring semesters students have the opportunity to pre-enroll for the following semester. We highly recommend pre-enrolling as these numbers are used to arrange for appropriate course staff and classroom accommodations.
- Adjustments can be made to all pre-enrollment schedules during the official ADD / DROP period at the start of the semester.
- ADD/DROP (at the start of each semester) when students can enroll in courses and drop courses they no longer want.
Other enrollment -
- The Johnson Graduate School of Management has a registrar separate from the university registrar and consequently, their course enrollment is done differently.
- You should read the enrollment rules for each JGSM course you wish to take including the deadlines for dropping the course and any associated fees.
- PE courses have special enrollment conditions and their add/drop deadlines may differ from other University courses. Fees may also be associated with the courses depending on equipment needs and other factors. Find all the information about PE classes here: https://pe.cornell.edu/policies
Additional Information on enrolling in courses can be found at the University Registrar's Website