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- Cornell University / Cornell Tech - High School Programming Workshop and Contest 2025
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- Cornell Junior Theorists' Workshop 2024
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- Field of Computer Science Ph.D. Student Handbook
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- The Outside Minor Requirement
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The CS M.Eng. Project Requirement
Three (3) to six (6) of the thirty (30) required degree credits must be earned by completing an M.Eng. Project. The M.Eng Project in Computer Science is defined as the development of a computer science application (software or hardware) useful in exploring and/or solving an engineering problem.
- Students must enroll in CS 5999, Master of Engineering Project, for 3-6 credits under the section of the supervising faculty member.
- All projects must be supervised by an authorized Computer Science faculty member or researcher. Authorized supervisors are listed in the Cornell Class Roster under CS 5999.
- Although students may work with advisors outside of the field of Computer Science, they must have a Computer Science advisor. Project proposals must be approved by the Computer Science advisor in advance to ensure their suitability.
- All projects must include a final written report.
- All grades associated with the Project must be B or higher.
- What are the different categories of projects?
- joining a faculty member's research group
- further developing a project started within an advanced course, perhaps in collaboration with other students from that course. (NOTE: project must be done after the course is completed and have substantial new content to be considered a valid "stand-alone" project.
- working more one-on-one with a faculty member - this might either be a smaller project or a test-run for a larger initiative
- working as a member of one of the College's large team efforts - there are an increasing number of these relatively high-profile projects
- collaborating with another Engineering department's MEng, PhD or faculty program
- providing critical computer science skills to disparate projects across the University
- working on commercial, industrial or government projects - with appropriate coordination of NDAs
- working with other students (typically either CS or JGSM) on exercises which may develop into 'start-ups'