Shop around. You can only deduce so much from a written course desription. Typically during the first class meeting the professor will detail what the course is about and describe what is expected by way of exams, homeworks and projects
Monitor Your Workload. You can "harmlessly" drop courses from your schedule if you discover that your overall workload is too much or for reasons of course content. This is a good strategy as long as your new "reduced" schedule moves you along towards graduation at the right "rate". Thus, it is sometimes wise to sign up for "more courses than you need".
Exploit the Environment. There are many worthwhile "non-required'' activities on campus that can dramatically enrich the academic side of your two-semester stay. Be proactive and search these out.
Believe that Sometimes Less is More.Exercise and have an outside life. Of course, this will leave less time to study. But you will be much more effective when you are working. The net result will be an overall gain in productivity.
Face Problems with Assistance. If you get overwhelmed or find yourself in a difficult situation, then contact the Director, or the Assistant Director, orGannett Clinic. We are all subject to stress. Get away from the idea that seeking help is a sign of weakness.